Monday, July 2, 2012

Vomit, Slushies, & Beluga Whales

Ahh.  My Saturday. 

 I just thought you might enjoy hearing about this more than I enjoyed enduring it:

It all started before dawn w/ our early risers.  I gave 2 year old K a sippy of milk in hopes that he'd drink it & fall back asleep for a bit.  A few mins later, he had to go to the bathroom (go figure) & wanted more milk.  Desperate for sleep, I gave it to him.  Bonus: he actually fell back to sleep until almost 7!

Our good friends had passes to the GA Aquarium & invited us to come along.  We were SO excited!  Cuban Daddy had had a late night, so he kept snoozing while I rushed around getting G, K, & myself ready to leave by 8.  We were out the door just barely on time, but w/o breakfast & w/o gas in the car. We were supposed to meet our friends about 1/2 way so we could drive together to ATL.  I was calculating the miles to see if I thought we'd make it w/o stopping for gas; we were going for it!  We stopped to order breakfast in the drive thru before meeting them.  Right before I pay & receive the food, I hear something.  I turn to see K spewing tons of curdled milk EVERYWHERE.  It kept coming.  It was nasty.  I barely even like fresh refrigerated milk.  This was bad.  I turned to the lady, "Can I have lots of napkins, please?  My son just threw up."   6 napkins. (Thanks?)  

Poor sweet baby, he was whimpering & just absolutely drenched.  G started w/ the questioning.  I whipped around the parking lot, kept the car running (It was already in the mid 90's), threw open all the doors (thankfully & by God's grace- not throwing up myself!) and got to cleaning.  Sopping up w/ every napkin & wipe I can find.  Stripped K down to his undies & Converse, making him cling to my leg as I cleaned (it was a busy parking lot!)  Questions from G still flying, "Why did he throw up his milk?"  "Are we still going to the Aquarium?" "Are we going to be late?"  "What's he going to wear?"  "Can I still have my biscuit?"  It was in every seat crevice, soaking every seatbelt strap.  It was simply unbelievable. As I'm finishing up, searching for any other napkins in the front seat, the air cuts out.  That's it. No air just like that.  You're kidding, right?  High of 107 expected for the day.  I decide not to call & complain about any of it to CD b/c he was slammed w/ work & I didn't want to give him anything else to worry about.  Put K back in the nasty seat, thankful we only had a couple miles left.  They struggled to eat their biscuits w/ the wind whipping in their face.  Pretty funny stuff actually.  I just had to (almost) laugh at this point!

We get to our meeting spot & I hurry and put K's "extra outfit" on him (I always carry one).  Thankfully it didn't reach his shoes & socks!  My friend & I balance the 4 kiddos & the circus act of loading up strollers, carseats, and her cold coffee (sorry, friend, I tried!).  I'm just thankful to be in air conditioning, I didn't run out of gas, & I was no longer smelling vomit.  (*Don't worry, I checked w/ her about us coming in 'his condition', but she trusted me when I said he wasn't was just the milk!)  

Skip to the Aquarium: We had an amazing time! Everything went smoothly.  The kids loved seeing the animals!  They mostly stayed in their strollers & were content w/ lots of snacks.  This was a treat for us to go!  We all loved it.

Most exciting part about being there?  Had to be me taking 3 toddlers to the bathroom, while J stayed w/ the baby & all our gear.  I knew I kept smelling something!  As I was taking K to the bathroom, I noticed his undies were soaked but that he hadn't pee'd.  It was pukey milk!!!  Poor baby, I hadn't realized it.  So, comando he went.  And the Aquarium restroom earned themselves a new pair of Oscar the Grouch 2T undies.  The rest of the trip was a breeze in comparison to the morning!  We ate lunch outside (yep, 106), but it wasn't too bad!  Hauled 4 kiddos, 2 strollers & 2 diaper bags up the stairs b/c we couldn't bare to walk the long route in the heat.  *Side note: Men, if you see this type of situation occurring in front of you, we will not turn down your offer to help.  Anyone?  We made it back to the car, thru the furnace they call a parking garage.  All in tact, bellies full, & in good moods!  A fun adventure w/ awesome friends.

I dreaded arriving back at my car.  Unloaded & loaded kids, stroller, bags, carseat...  Poor K back in the pukey seat (J had an extra seat in her car, so the pukey one stayed behind in mine! Whew.)  Smelly, sweaty, heat blazing, no air, no gas, and at this point, empty sippy cups.  Stop at the nearest gas station to fill up.  Seize the moment to make good on a promise to G & K.  They have seen the big gas station truck drive around w/ all the difft colored slushies on the side & always ask about them.  I promised them that one day this summer, we'd get one.  Could there be a better deserved day than today?!  So, in we go for their own watermelon slushies.  They were thrilled & had sucked 1/2 of them down before I could get them back in their sweaty seats.  What a great end to an *interesting* day!

Hope you enjoyed our day as much as we did! ;)  Honestly, through it all I had to remind myself, that there will be days like this.  Vomit, record high temps, no a/c, no undies, no gas, no water.  But all in all, we are blessed.  We are healthy.  We have great friends.  We have fun adventures  & exciting opportunities.  We have milk to drink.  We have clothes to change into.  
We can afford gas for our car... 
and slushies.  

It's all a matter of perspective.

~ 6 (rehydrated &) in Love ~ 

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