Wednesday, June 6, 2012


So, as if yesterday wasn't enough...we have today.  I figure I have a choice to be 
frustrated & frazzled or to just laugh & do the best I can.  I'll choose the latter.  =)

So, I'll start with what I only realized about 15 minutes ago:  

* To finish our Home Study (which is supposed to be turned into our Social worker by this weekend), apparently we each need to have Psychological Evaluations done by a Licensed Clinical Psychologist.  Shoot.  Not worried about 'passing' so much as I am about finding someone & getting them done asap.  And the cost?  Don't have a clue & don't really want to know at this point.  And you should see the "Instruction sheet" on this thing.  I'm gonna need an interpreter.  So, guess "someone" will be making calls first thing in the morning!  * And you may be asking why I'm just realizing this.  It was sent a few days ago from our regular agency (who is not handling the Home Study), telling us we have to do this Psych for the Home Study.  Go figure.  But, it wasn't on "the checklist" given to us, so I overlooked it. 

* And we're hoping to pick up our Drug testing results on Friday...

* And Cuban Daddy finished his part of the paperwork tonight (mine's done)!

* And I finished the online 10 hours of training tonight.  Hoping to get that certificate of completion in hand by Friday!

* And CD received the documentation of 911 calls, so that's in.

* And, as for the Septic Tank Inspection, that's where the fun comes in!  

You see, Cuban Daddy had this 'task' on his list.  Which he handled, calling around, figuring out what we needed, etc.  Well, he calls me about 10 this morning as I'm getting myself ready, straightening my hair (this is work, people!!), dressing babies, packing snacks, making K apologize repeatedly to his sister for: hitting her in the head w/ a soccer ball, stepping on her foot, taking her babies, getting in her way, you get the picture.  So, he says that the kids and I have to drive to Timbuktu (yes, it exists.  and it's about 20 mins from our house.) to sign a form & pay in person.  Really?  Isn't this 2012?   We really needed it done today to give them enough time to do the inspection before we need to turn the forms in.  We did have other plans for the morning, but sometimes things just have to be moved.  I did want to keep a lunch date at 12 w/ some friends I hadn't seen in a while.  So, we rushed out, I'm scrambling for directions in the car in the way; meanwhile, G's asking a million questions about our plans & why we changed them.  We find it.  A HUGE parking lot w/ two huge buildings.  The kids are running as we rush to get inside.  Go through security.  Stop for the security officers to ooh & aah over the kids (I'm thinking they don't see many during their work day!).  Ask for the Environmental Health office & realize we're in the wrong building.  Shoot.  Run back through security (cute kids, stupid mom!), through the courtyard, into the next building & ask for more directions.  LAST office on the left.  Of course.  Kids & I running through the ridiculous amount of doors.  Get there & read this:  

Check my phone.  11:31.  Shoot.  

Desperate, I yell into the office for someone.  No one responds, so I don't even get the chance to beg.  Seeing as we're about a 30 min drive from our lunch spot, we head out, defeated.  And then starts the 4 year old questioning...Why are they eating lunch now?  How are we going to get the form?  Are we still meeting our friends?...  Haha, sweet, curious girl!  I fought feeling really frustrated & discouraged, but then realized it's no one's fault, there's nothing I can do, and it won't do any good to be upset about it.  Everything happens for a reason.

Rush to lunch, which was so worth it!  We hang out for a while, so I was late getting G & K down for naps.  They didn't fall asleep til almost 3 pm.  Meanwhile, Cuban Daddy had said he'd 'see what he could do'.  As soon as the kids are asleep, I check my phone to see his text: "Sorry, you have to go back today.  They close at 5."  Shoot.

K doesn't sleep all that much, so he was up at like 4:15.  G is up at 4:35.  And although you may remember my kiddos need their wake up time, they didn't get it today!  I grabbed two frozen bananas to make all things right in the world. Throw the kids in the car, & unwrap bananas as we go.  

We screech roll in & park.  Run to the (correct) building.  The kids wouldn't let go of their bananas- I didn't have time to argue & thought hot bananas would be nasty in the carseats, so carry them they did.  And we ran.  Oh, we were a sight.  K dropped his on the sidewalk. Shoot.  It was a big sidewalk.  Surely not that many people had stepped in that exact spot, right?  5 second decision made.  He's too young to notice the specks on it.  Give it back & we carry on.  Find an unlocked door, run down the hallway & make it to the office at 4:56.  Oh yeah.    

Super nice lady.  Paperwork- check.  Ripped off $100- check.  We leave, victorious.  Until...

G drops the rest of her banana on the hallway floor.  Ooh baby, it's a narrow hallway.  Lots of feet.  Yours is toast.  Tears & hugs for the lost fruit.  I scrounge up a fruit strip in my purse & all is right again.  

Top it off w/ chili already in the crock pot.  Oh yeah, Super Mom today.  
And how is it that people think stay-at-home moms get bored?  ;)

Kind of hoping for a less eventful day tomorrow- ha!

~ 6 in Love ~

Run, kiddos, run!

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