We did it! Turned in ALL of the paperwork required by Families First for our Home Study!! This includes all of the craziness from this week!
The kids and I ran lots of errands this morning.
No time for a rest, son!
Well deserved lunch!
Where a local grocery cashier recognized us and asked to join us!
I'm glad she felt comfortable enough to do that. We had fun. :)
I called our Doctor & asked if mine & his drug tests results were in yet (it had been exactly 48 hours), and they said no. Great. Well, I was sitting in their parking lot anyway, when I called CD, "What do we do now?" He said go in and insist that they at least sign the form they refused to sign (until results were in) & give us that today to turn in. So not me, but I talked myself into it, gathered the kiddos & we headed in. This was not even 5 mins after I spoke to the lady. The lady at the front let me finish my 'tough guy' lecture & then proceeded to tell me the results were in. Yeah, so there. Toooold her. (Ha!) Yay, so relieved they were in & we didn't have to come back.
After another couple morning errands, we met Cuban Daddy to have him make copies of the new paperwork, & add his last 2 forms to the stack.
His words exactly, "I'm SO glad that's over."
Got it organized, called our social worker, then drove to her house to deliver!

Knocking on her door to hand deliver them!
*They look so sad here, but I promise they were excited! Haha!*
As always, I enjoyed talking to her. She's great. She knew we only had the Psych Evals left & told me I need to call Buckner and make sure they were required b/c she would not recommend us to get them - that we were 'awesome' & they were unnecessary. That sure was nice to hear! She proceeded to find out for us that they are 100% required- probably by the country of Honduras. Sure does make that $400-600 feel wasteful. :( So...she is going to write everything up and just add the Psychological Evaluations when we get those in next week. ** I think I failed to mention that yesterday was every bit as crazy as the rest of the week. I was trying desperately to find a Psychologist who does these evaluations in our area & who would see us last minute like this. Our social's recommendation is panning out & she's going to test us & do interviews this Monday!! Praise the Lord. (Only one of the several Psychologists ever called me back. And she was booked through July.) Anways, CD and I are going to 'marathon it' as she called it & spend several hours with her on Monday doing it all at once. Paid by the hour, so we're talking $400-$600. Ouch.
That brings me to my next point. The $100 drug testing, $100 septic tank inspection, $110 vet immunizations & check up, & $400-$600 psych evals were NOT factored into the estimated $35,000 in Adoption fees. So, we're looking at nearly $1,000 in one week that was unexpected. (Maybe you all that have adopted before would know to expect this- not us!)
Okay, and here's the coolest part. Today, I finally got to talk to/thank the incredibly generous donor of this:
which we received unexpectedly several days ago. Yep, $1,000. Is He good or what?! Thank you, God, for your provision. Even when we don't see it coming, He does. His timing is perfect. And, no, they didn't have an extra grand lying around. They worked for and purposely saved for months to give this to us! They said they felt that we were doing God's work & that they wanted to help. And...they had no idea we were going to have these extra expenses!
We continue to be humbled by this generosity. We truly could not do this on our own. We know that we need others. We are definitely in this together. Every bit helps. And every time you donate, or save change for a sippy, or buy a T-shirt, you are helping give these babies a home. Thank you, thank you, thank you- from us and from them!!!
And breathe.
~ 6 in Love ~
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