Wednesday, April 24, 2013


Yeah, this post is delayed, but I've been a wee bit busy 'Doing the Dossier.'  ;)

Here's how we celebrated Easter 2013:

Dying Easter eggs with friends: 

Attending a local Easter egg hunt & celebration, complete with jumpies & blow up slides. So hot, but lots of fun!

I mean, seriously.  This is so them though.  
I said, "Put your arm around your sister and smile."  
And I get a tackle grip from behind and a tongue. 

Easter morning anticipation.
What did the Easter bunny bring?

You wouldn't believe what the Easter bunny left:
a note on the glass door, complete with bunny print, he spilled some jelly beans by accident, and left part of his tail! (Some even got stuck in the door.)  Silly bunny!  G LOVED it!  

Daddy made bunny & egg pancakes for a special breakfast: 

We celebrated the true reason for today:
Jesus' death on the cross & resurrection. 
We went to church.  This was the first year sweet G REALLY seemed to understand all of this.  She cried when she realized that Jesus died for HER.

My parents & Cuban Daddy's mom were there too:

Gosh, he loves his son so much. 

I mean, I could barely contain myself w/ these matching ties. 

Daddy's little angel 

The babies!  G & K

Then, after naps, we headed to my parents' house for dinner and another egg hunt.  This time, with my brothers, their wives, and my 3 nieces.  

It was rainy, so we did an indoor hunt.

2 of my 3 cute nieces (the other one was just too fast!) 

My little brother found a cute pink bunny on the hunt.
Can you see the excitement?

Finding out what's hidden in those eggs 

A fun annual tradition with the cousins

My sweet ones 

Happy Easter!

~ 6 in Love ~


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