Saturday, January 19, 2013

The Run Around

We've been getting the run-around lately.
Which, I guess is to be expected (unfortunately) with all things official, right?  So, the Dossier Paperwork has been no different.
Fortunately, I had this cute little face (& his police car) to accompany me IN THE RAIN ALL DAY as we traveled all parts of the county. We went from police station to police station to sheriff's station... as they told us to go to the next one, whom they thought was appropriate for dealing with our paperwork.  We just needed a local law enforcement agency to run (another) check on us and create a very specifically  formatted letter for the Dossier.  Each saying the other was the correct one for us.  Ugh.  I tried to keep a good attitude, although soggy.  Keeping the big picture in mind & trying to convey to K that we were having a fun, rainy adventure. :)  

In the end, we succeeded in getting my form done (although it was cash only.  whew, I actually had some on me!  and they wouldn't let me do Cuban Daddy's.) & having an adventure. 

But, boy did they give us the run-around.

(Please note we are pretty dang proud of those Falcons!  We were decked out for days.  And I was sure to wash all the gear so we were ready for tomorrow's big game.)

And speaking of running around, Cuban Daddy has gotten his share as well.  The Bank has been doing the same.  Only he hasn't moved branches...yet.  It is a possibility, unfortunately.  For whatever yada yada yada reasons, they are not wanting to give us the letter we are asking for.  They say they can only use their pretyped formats.  However, their formats don't include the information that Honduras says they have to have regarding our banking history.  So, if the bank doesn't get it together,  I don't know what we'll do.  I'm not worried about Cuban Daddy...he's one to hold his own & get the job done, that's for sure.  But he's having to visit, email, phone, etc. talking to every person possible trying to get this stupid letter.  I mean, seriously, people.  It's like 4 pieces of information, all which they have.  It's not difficult.  It'll take someone 5 minutes to do.  They just aren't doing it.

Oh, the run around.

~ 6 in Love ~

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