I can't believe I'm saying it, but my BABY is 3.
This is impossible since I just gave birth to him yesterday.
But, nonetheless, he insists on growing up and being 'a big boy,' as he likes to remind us daily.
Our 'tradition' is that the night before their birthday, they get to sleep on the special birthday pillow case. Little does he know, this will also be his last night in his toddler bed. So proud!
It was almost like Christmas, as he ran down the hall the morning of to find out if he had any presents. So cute!
Although we were saving his 'big boy bed' surprise til that night when Cuban Daddy could put it together, he managed to find a few gifts that morning. :)
...including a hat just like his Abuelo.
...and a few 'decor' items for his 'new room.'
Another tradition: 'Birthday banner' on the chair & their favorite:
# Pancakes!
G wanted to give her brother something special just from her, so she chose Fun Dip. Aka: flavored sugar. lol
Well, since it was his birthday, he was able to eat it at 8:00am!
And b/c our life is crazy, I had yet to find the perfect bedding for little man....and his bed was being put together THAT night. No, I couldn't have moved it. That's just how it was going to be.
So, we went on 'an adventure' and looked for some (he didn't know what I was doing).
One of my FAVORITES!!!!!
Before we left the house:
And since it was his actual birthday (not 'party' day), I wanted him to get to do something fun that he loved. So we loaded up his little 'motorcycle' and rode around at the parking lot of a park. He LOVED it! I have to figure out how to post videos, so I can show you what he did!
After our busy day, the kids conked out at naptime, and I got to do this when he woke!
Yay me! :)
So, Daddy pulled it off. He put together K's bed that night after work, we threw on the bedding (which I had to go out on my own, find, and buy about 30 mins prior....another story in itself!!), and he was a surprised & happy big boy!
So, his first night as a 3 year old was his first night in his BIG boy bed.
He really wanted his Sissy to stay the night.
Oh so sweet!
The next night looked like this when I checked on him! Yes, his head is hanging off the bed. Cuttin' it close buddy!
*** And tonight marks the 3rd "Mommy, I fell off the bed again!"***
We had K's 3rd birthday party at a fun kids' room in our church. It turned out to be a perfect space for the party. * I had originally planned to do it outside at a park, b/c it just seemed so fitting, but FREEZING weather permitted that.* We were so happy to have friends and family come out and celebrate this much-anticipated "Police Car Party!"
A tablecloth w/ masking tape & sharpie for roads, $1 store traffic cones & lots of his little cars.
The food
Mini Donuts! (cheerios)
We (ah hum, my mom & awesome sis in law) spent the night before making lots of car shaped sandwiches (using a cookie cutter). I loved them!
Lots of free playtime =)
Coloring their new police car books
My awesome Dad & incredible Grandma
(who at 86, made K's AMAZING cookie cakes!!!!)
My Hottie
(rocking my homemade shirt, ha)
"Crime tape' to rope off the game.
Spoiled rotten w/ ultra cool 'boy' gifts which he loved!
Sissy picked a gift out for him all on her own. It was 'Rowdy' from the TV show, "Chuck," and he obviously LOVED it!!!!
Awesome friends & helpers
This will get lots of use this summer!
We were so glad these beautiful sisters were in town!
K & his best bud playing of the day's favorites: golf!
Maybe he can teach these guys to play. lol
These new friends were so cute.
These are about the cutest "muscles" I've ever seen:
Singing to the bday boy!
Chocolate- his favorite!
Thanks, Great Grandma!
Playing 'Pin the Siren on the Police Car' ;) :
My beautiful Mom & Grammy!
Thanks for ALL of your party help, Mom!!
A few notes about this newly turned 3 year old boy:
(As if words can possibly describe how special he is)
charming, funny, nearly-always smiling, super coordinated and agile, active and energetic, fearless (except for sudden loud noises...and sometimes Santa), friendly, social, usually polite, loving, cuddly after sleeping, loves avocados,eggs,and cereal just like his Daddy (gag me), wants to wrestle or tackle (Grandmas & Abuelas are not excluded...sorry about this), is smart, knows no stranger, tells jokes, loves to run around naked, hates shoes (this is not okay with me...I'm wearing them as I type at 11 pm), climbs anything & everything, tries to negotiate ("how 'bout 3 more bites?'), rides a bike, loves motorcycles almost-obsessively, is a copy cat (literally. I'm making a dr. appt on the phone & the nurse on the line is cracking up b/c she hears him), pushes all boundaries, thinks he's way bigger than he is, has a sensitive heart, has been potty trained since 20 mo. old, often chooses not to listen & follow directions, has dimples to die for, is too tough on his sweet Sissy but loves her to pieces, doesn't like to sit still...except for the iPad or a puzzle, says his 'S's in the cutest way, understands Spanish better than G & I already, laughs during his weekly chiropractic adjustments, wants to run everywhere, rides his bike almost as much as he walks, makes the silliest faces, doesn't like for anyone to have a 'mad face' or be upset, rocks his hats, is clever & quick thinking, is determined, loves an audience, and spreads joy wherever he goes. He is a charismatic, people magnet. Strangers come up to me all the time to talk to me about him.

(Wrestling Stance)
<36" & 32 lb of my heart>
He's totally rotten and totally amazing.
I love our "buddy boo" so much, and thank God daily that he let me be his Mommy.
I may or may not be kind of proud of him.
~ 6 in Love ~