We've had an exciting week at our house! Within one week span, we celebrate Valentine's Day, K's 2nd Birthday, & Cuban Daddy's Birthday too (in a couple of days)! So, this mama is just about planned...and cupcaked...out! (Especially since I'm making all the yummy food...and not enjoying any of it! Explanation pic to come.) This blog is an "Adoption" blog, but it's also about our personal journey along the way. Sometime I will post "adoption", sometimes "personal," and sometimes it will be how the two relate.
Valentine's this year has been really fun. As I thought about it, I realize that the saying is true. Your children really are your heart walking outside your body. My, oh my, how I love these guys!!!
G & K on Valentines' morning, opening their little gifts from Mommy & Daddy. K's fav- a "brrrun, brrrun" (aka motorcycle). G's fav- a "tiny" baby just like she wanted. *And yes, they haven't even had breakfast, but she's decked out in dress up clothes.

Valentine's to hand out! How cute is this idea I stole from Pintrest? G loved making these for her classmates.
With my angel at her school party
Cuban Daddy & I usually go out to dinner just us for Valentine's...nothing super special, we are low key. Time alone is rare, but we love it when we do! This year, though, we both had the idea to take G & K with us. So, we headed out to a yummy Italian place! G & K seemed to love the bread here as much as Cuban Daddy! The kids brought their 'tiny' babies with them to keep them occupied at dinner. Here they are talking to each other:
Their idea to pose behind the bench w/ their babies (*I couldn't get them to look for anything).
Still hoping for a cute Valentine's pic of our little dates: not happening. Don't worry, after such intense outcry, they were released from picture duty to do what they really wanted to: walk the 'balance beam' they are sitting on.
After taking pics, I realized something. Maybe our two Honduran babies were represented with us tonight (G & K's 'tiny' baby dolls!). I mean, tonight is all about love. And although we don't know them yet, they already have our love. Silly as it may sound, I was excited 'they' were there tonight! And that leaves me to wonder their gender... these two are 1 boy, 1 girl. G claims that she's getting another brother and sister, so we shall see if she's right! I'm trying to warn her that that may not be the case, though! Here we are with our 'babies'. ;)
Finally got that Valentine's pic I wanted.
G being a super proud big sister at her school Valentine's party:
And what I made for my Valentine: I took his favorite T-shirt (The first gift I ever gave him. I brought it back from studying abroad. We were 'just friends' at the time, but the emails he wrote while I was away had me running to the internet cafes daily. I made him work hard, but his charm won me over!) Anyways, the other day, he was getting super buff at the gym and ripped it beyond repair. I didn't want to toss it, so made this little pillow out of it.
Happy Valentine's, Baby!

I can't believe that my baby is TWO!? How that happened since I just delivered him yesterday, I have no idea. Wow, he is such a joy. He is the happiest kid around. Smiling & bringing smiles to all that he meets...all the time. Such a friendly, sweet little guy. He's extremely active, already very coordinated, and into everything! He begs everyone to "wrestle," and this delights his Daddy, Popi, and Uncles, considering they ALL wrestled. Now's a good time to embarrass Cuban Daddy by mentioning he was a State Champion. He'll love me for that. Anyways, K is also so very loving. You can't leave with hugs & kisses! He's super smart, speaking really well lately, learning quickly, & finding even more things to climb on. He loves his "Sissy Pie" to pieces and always tries to copy her. He's a bit of a pickier eater than Sissy, but when he's hungry...he's *hungry*! I wanted to make his weekday birthday fun, even though his party was on the weekend, so I took him on a day date, just the two of us.
First up: (Remember the 'biscuits' promised to our sweet Honduran babies?) Well, they are K's favorite breakfast, so we had to go get one after dropping G at school.
Next up: a place that we love. Very appropriate since he loves trains...and is having a train party. Fun place to walk around & find stuff to get into... So we did.
That's my happy boy!
We met Cuban Daddy for lunch! K getting Daddy to blow his mac 'n cheese,
because it's "vewy hot."
because it's "vewy hot."
Choo choo party, here we come! *Sorry, took all the party pics with my Nikon, so don't have those uploaded yet. I made my first cupcake cake for his party, and although it wasn't near perfect, it turned out a lot better than I (& probably everyone else) had expected! I mean, I didn't remember until recently that we owned a mixer. And, let's just say, Cuban Daddy took over mixing this night, seeing as I forgot 1 of the 4 key ingredients & almost burnt up the mixer.
Sorry, Honduran babies, your Mama's not a baker.
But I can order from Publix like nobody's business.
Sorry, Honduran babies, your Mama's not a baker.
But I can order from Publix like nobody's business.
A few random things from this week:
At K's birthday party, an amazing couple of friends brought us this! Our first full sippy cup for Sippys 4 Siblings! Yay! They are fast...wow!
Remember peeling the little oranges I mentioned in the Promises for Days Like Today blog entry? Well, I bought some more mandarins (they were on sale), and boy was this guy happy!

I love seeing my babies' creative minds at work. G created this at school. I love it!
*So here's one of those times where I think about #3 & #4. I wonder about their birth family. I wonder about what they've been through. And I am sad. But then I think about the Daddy...and the family...that they are going to have. And I think about they life they are going to have. I think about how loved they will be.
I think about the future when one day, they will make drawings like this:
Speaking of Mr. Wonderful, here's a cute pic I snapped tonight. I walked in to tuck G in after they had storytime. Only one of them is fake sleeping. Can you tell which one?!
Finally, in reference to cupcakes earlier, I am on Day 20 of a 30 day Challenge I'm competing in (against no one but myself). I've lost 11 lbs. Cut out all sugar & all that turns into sugar. Very limited dairy. No fruits except berries, green apples, & coconuts. Lots and lots of greens. And no Dr. Pepper. Jesus help me. I'm working out almost every day. I feel much healthier & am happy to make this my new habit.
Thanks so much to everyone who has continued to donate to our Adoption Auction! Since I last posted, I have received promises of a couple more donations. We still need more for this to really be as big as we had hoped! So, anyone out there they would like to donate an item to our online auction beginning March 1st, please let me know!
Off to workout & clean up an after-party disaster.
~ 6 in Love ~
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