Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Our Orphan Petition application was approved by the 
U.S. Government!  


So, what now?

All we are waiting on now is...


I have to finish the Dossier.
(This will take weeks minimum.) 

It's so huge & so overwhelming.  
After Thanksgiving, that will be my main focus.  A lot of our documents are time sensitive, so it's a major priority that I get this done. When it's finished, we'll include a copy of our I-600 A Approval Letter with our Dossier, & send it all to our adoption agency, Dillon/Buckner.  They'll approve (hopefully!) our Dossier & then send it to Honduras!
Then, Honduras will approve it (hopefully!) & then we'll get on the WAITING LIST.

So, yes, we are nearing the paperwork finishline!!!

Thank you, God.  Please pray that I can get through the Dossier easily, smoothly, and quickly.  That we would just have favor in that situation.

I've been thinking about the babies SO much recently & my heart has really begun to ache more for them.  It's so fun to talk about, but it makes it harder too.  G has begun to ask more questions & is really comfortable with the idea.  She often refers to 'when we get our babies.'  She even drew a picture of 'them' in her 'What I'm Thankful For" book.  Totally her idea.  She drew 4 of them.  And they were all girls.  Haha!!

Thanks for your prayers & 
for sharing in our excitement!

~ 6 in Love ~ 

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha! So G wants four sisters, huh? Toooo funny. :) So glad you're almost done with the paperwork and will pray that everything goes smoothly (and quickly) from here on out! I am still pretty shocked that it takes this much time and money to adopt little children that need a home.
