I'm in love.
With Fall.
So, October is ALWAYS my favorite month.
I mean, seriously, what's not to love about it?!
We packed approximately 380, 527 things into the month.
B/c, well, I had October planned since the summer. Well, almost.
Don't worry, I'm only including 56, 209 of the things we did. Enjoy!
('cause I sure did!)
** And I should point out that the first week of October was spent in Florida with Cuban Daddy's family, due to the loss of his beloved father "Papi." This was the 3 weeks following.
The State Fair:
(Actually, I think the fair was in September,
right before the FL trip. Oh well. K was big enough to ride for the first time, and he loved it!)
The first time riding, she didn't know how to pull the bar and go higher (lil dare devil)...
...and the disappointment was too much to bare. We tried again, and she did it! Yay, G!
Nemo 'Rollar Coaster' ;)
Mommy's Wannabe Photo Shoot, er, uh,
Nature Hike
(at a local park)
Pumpkin Patch #1
(With Noni, while Cuban Daddy was at work)
Thanks for joining us, Noni! We loved having you there.
Pumpkin Patch #2
(2nd Annual Trip with great friends...and this year,
we went on my (25 th?) Birthday! And after
the 'festivities,' we ate at this incredible
one-tiny-roomed house/BBQ restaurant...yum!)
Where's Baby E?
Our kids appear to be kind of fond of theirs. Whatcha think? ;)
"Don't pet her. She's a baby, not a puppy." ;)
Newly engaged & so cute, right?
College roomie, one of my best friends, and an awesome mom to her girls!
J- Thanks for the cupcakes!!
"Hey, can you get your kids off of me, now?"
Apple Festival
(Okay, so I have a crazy love for this Apple Festival. I don't know what it is exactly. I've gone for several years now, sometimes w/ CD, sometimes he & the kids, sometimes w/ my girl friends, etc. It's everything "apple," as well as an arts & crafts festival, lots of entertainment for the kids, & good 'Southern' food. I've never seen such a huge variety of apples...all local. And I cannot write this w/o letting you in on this amazing secret. Mutsu Apples. They are by far the best type of apple I have ever tasted. The perfect apple. I was going on and on about them to one farmer last year, when he explained them to me. He said they cross-bred (maybe? do apples do this?) them: a mix between the sweetest apple- Golden Delicious- and the tartest apple- Granny Smith. Thus, the perfect apple. And they so are.
I love them so much, I haul a peck home every year.)
This is the family photo that a nice older lady took for us.
And so I took one. Bringing home the Mutsus!
My babies have such a fun dad. I walked w/ the stroller - and all the apples, while CD &
the kids 'got their energy out' the whole way to the car.
We've tried to stay spontaneous, even w/ kiddos. So, when he and I saw a sign for, um... another Pumpkin Patch/farm place on the drive home, we had to stop!
And they got to do their first corn maze! They took turns being 'the leader' and took their job pretty serious. The loved it.
This picture cracks me up. G just spotted corn & they got really excited. Ha!
And there's always a store, right?
Cuban Daddy & I are pretty good at letting them pick one small pumpkin or gourd and splitting some popcorn. $3 bucks & were' good to go.
Pumpkin Patch #3
(We have gone to this place annually, just the 4 of us. We've gone on the weekend in the past, when it was crowded & everything was open. This year, we could only squeeze in a weekday evening, and although we had it practically to ourselves, the kids missed the hay maze and petting zoo. Somehow, I think they'll be okay.)
It was nice being able to take a few pictures
(ALWAYS first...before running around the patch.
Learned that the hard way. Ha.)
Believe it or not, she totally did this on her own. She wasn't posing.
Just bored we were taking K's pics I guess. Haha.
A relaxing, fun fall night out. Heading to the car...
Pumpkin Patch #4
(We go to this one each year too. TONS upon tons of pumpkins. All shapes, sizes, colors. The kids love it. This year, we went kind of late in the month, and there weren't quite as many pumpkins...or people-which was awesome. The kids had a blast running through the pumpkins, dancing, skipping, singing. We made quite a spectacle of ourselves, but I'm kind of past the point of caring anymore. Is that good or bad?)
Notice how awesome the photos of the kids & me always are? Awesome, right? Boo.
Continuing in the spirit of spontaneity, Cuban Daddy surprised us with a stop in a 'downtown' that we had never been to before. He's been several times as he's a Realtor, but the kids & I hadn't. We used 'Yelp' and found a local Hotdog joint. Not our typical food of choice, but it had such great ratings...and was cheap? ;)
The kiddos were fans. CD & I didn't think it lived up to the hype.
But, he and I love trying new places, so it was good.
As if hotdogs won't do a wonder on your stomach all on their own, CD had us walk through the cute little downtown to a Cupcake shop. G & K were thrilled!
They charmed the cupcake lady & she gave them...bubbles.
It was freezing out, but seize the moment, right?
Costume Birthday Parties
(The weekend before Halloween, we were so excited to be invited to 3 birthday parties- my niece & the children of my 2 besties. How fun! We were fortunate that one was in the morning, one at lunchtime, and one in the afternoon, so we were able to attend all 3! The last 2 were "Costume" parties, so I decided to have G & K wear something different than their 'Halloween costumes.' I figured if they had to wear their M&M's every time, when the 'main event' rolled around, they'd be tired of them. So, they choose to be "a biker" and "A Hawaiian girl." Fortunately my little brother is both 'a biker' and (an incredibly talented) tattoo artist. So, the morning before the parties, he was nice enough to wake up early. He applied K's *custom-designed* tattoos he drew the day before. Many of them were minitures of his own- ha! I told him this would be the only time he'd be touching my son w/ 'ink.'

They've always been super fond of each other. K was so proud to have Uncle Cam do this! Oh, and UC let K borrow some of his own 'gear.' (See below)
Daddy brought G this outfit from Hawaii!
He rocks it, right?
Halloween Day
Halloween Night
Meet "The M&M's"
(We had a busy, fun night. After the babies' naps, we put on costumes. My family came over so everyone could see the kids' dressed up (including my oldest brother's 3 little cuties) & we could hang out a bit. I made a couple of Slow Cookers of chili, which were appropriate considering it was cold out! I had been wanting to bake something with all the apples I got from the festival, so I made an apple cobbler-thingy. Then, one of my best friends invited us to Trick or Treat w/ them in their 'hood. Our kids are close- both in age & in friendship- so it was great fun for all!
The thing in G's hair? Yep, I was forced to eat the M&M's out so I could use the bag. It's tough being a parent sometimes. Especially when your child asks w/ big sad eyes, "You didn't save me any?"
I love that my big brother and I have 'stair step' kids, so that the cousins can be close.
Left to Right: N (age 6), G (4), L (almost 4), K (2 1/2), T (almost 2).
And I have to brag on him- he's such a great dad!
I don't know what's happening here, but isn't G's laugh great?!
And our cutie pie neighbor, P, in her custom made Wonder Woman costume!
No one was home to pass out treats, so we left a basket on the porch as usual.
I tried something different this year & left juice boxes & dum dums.
They were GONE.
At my friend's house. How amazing is the "Mater" costume her son is wearing? Yeah, she made it! And although N wasn't feeling it at the time, I was super impressed!
Our M & M Family
We may or may not have set them up. ;)
The guys w/ the littlest guys
Love Captain America's outfit & smiles!
Our crew. Shannon- I just realized we didn't get OUR pic together! :(
K is losing steam...
Not G!
Other October Festivities:
Decorating cupcakes (for MY bday!) with their Great Grandma & Great Auntie V!
Baking & decorating cookies w/ Mommy
See ALL the Mutsus?!
Carving our pumpkin. The first one to do myself! Yikes.
They were freezing...haha. Sorry, kids!
But, here they are with their pumpkin/jack o lantern that they both named (seriously they agreed perfectly) "Pumpkin Lee/Leigh"
He says it's a boy; she's sure it's a girl.
Glad they chose a gender neutral name.
Cuban Daddy 'got rid' of Pumpkin Lee/Leigh recently. So, instead of 'manning up' and telling them the truth, I've sorta kinda led them to believe I don't know what happened to it. So, everytime we go outside...or inside for that matter...they talk about where Pumpkin Lee/Leigh has gone. i.e. He can't walk; he doesn't have legs! Maybe he rolled down the stairs? I bet someone took him! He's hiding. Maybe she went to find her family... I told them it's a mystery. I'm not a bad mom, right? Just a great teacher of creativity?
I mean look at this. I couldn't tell them!
We did lots of other things in October:
We met friends.
We did errands.
The chiropractor, weekly.
...and the pediatrician.
And the grocery store. Normal, right?
More shopping
Cashing in "Sippys 4 Siblings" change!
We had everyday fun.
PJ Dance Parties
Stuck! Haha!
Painting. They love it as much as I do.
Please note the difference in boys & girls here.
To the park
Storytime with Daddy
Weekly gymnastics classes
School Portraits Day
A Date Night with my girl!
Entering contests & shows
We dog-sat a pug.
We laughed, we cried, & everything in between.
I told the kids to wait at the door while I got our stuff from the car.
K was in trouble. Look what I found.
I mean, they ARE the sweetest. They teach me compassion every day.
So, yeah, that's October.
And I enjoyed every single
insane second of it.
But, November is a different story.
I need to finish the Dossier (major!!), prep for the holidays, meet some deadlines, enter some art shows, do some painting & photography projects, some charity projects/events, and some things around the house.
Not exactly 'pumpkin patchy,' but very necessary things.
Although I'm looking forward to most everything, I have the same struggle with time as usual.
If you made it to the bottom of this post, bless you!!!
I made myself tired.
~ 6 in Love ~