Monday, January 23, 2012

We. Are. Adopting. (x2)

What?! It's true. We are adopting!  If you really know us, that's probably not super surprising news.  How did this happen?  Spring of 2011, we really began praying & thinking seriously about adoption.  It had always been an idea/an option/a 'something' we may want to do.  Something we felt strongly about.  But 'feeling' or 'thinking' is totally different than actually 'doing.'  We currently have a 3 year old littl girl, "G," and a nearly 2 year old little boy, "K."  We knew we wanted to add to our family, and wanted to be sure that adoption was the route for us.  Over the next few months, it became more and more clear to us that adoption was what we were called to do.  To care for orphans.  To bring one (okay, two) into our home. Into our forever family.  Read more about "Why Adopt" in the tab above.  After tons of research (whew!), we decided that our best match was with Honduras.  And the hubs, whom we shall call "Cuban Daddy" (He doesn't know that yet...won't he love it?! Ha.), said that I (let's call me "Georgia Peach" ) wanted two...even if I didn't 'say' it...and that I wouldn't be complete w/o them.  So thankful for a husband that just knows me that well.  And he's right.  2 biological + 2 adopted = perfect. 

So, I know it seems kind of crazy that we are attempting to adopt a sibling pair *younger* than the two we already have (G is 3, K almost 2).  Well, that's where the dreaded WAIT comes in.  Yes, all of you in the adoption world, know that word all too well.  We wait.  However, one of the many reasons we choose Honduras was actually b/c of the timeline for referral & placement.  Cuban Daddy (yes, he was born there) & I are currently working on Application Part 2, which is our 'official' application.  And, boy, I'm not breezing through it like I thought I would.  Geez.  It's a ton of tedious paperwork...forms... copies...typed...references...history...medical evals...and on. and on. and on.  (*Who knew factoring in raising two toddlers, keeping a house, never-ending laundry & dishes (those two just get me!), planning all of our 'todos', spending time w/ the hubs, family & friends, making appointments, etc. would make this massive amount of paperwork move so slowly? Oh, probably should have thought of that.)  So, after this app, we do our Home Study.  Then our Dossier. And a few (Ha!) other things.  Only after all of this is complete (and ALL of that money has been raised), will we be put on the waiting list to adopt from Honduras.  We are roughly estimating that we will be placed on this list sometime this Fall.  After being placed on the list, we begin a 2 to 4 year wait.  What in the world, right?  Well, I guess although I anticipate the waiting to be somewhat torturous, the timing should work out just right for us.  That would put our son, K, at 5-7 years old & our daughter, G, at 7-9 years old.  Crazy, isn't it?  Our newest sibling pair will be between ages 0-4 years old.  Yay, nice and snug.  Just the way we had hoped.  I have to keep Cuban Daddy young...this is sure to do it!

And, so we begin our adoption journey.  We are happy to answer questions, and would love to talk about our adoption process to anyone who'll listen!  One of the things we really hope to do along the way, is to create awareness about OUR world's orphan crisis.  I say 'our' b/c they are our orphans.  With no one to care for them, we all must do our part. I'm not saying everyone should adopt, but we can all do something. (Read more about this in my tabs above). 

We are taking a great step of faithFaith in our Lord God Almighty, who is forever faithful. Faith that He will entrust us with the children that are meant to be in our family.  Faith that He will take care of us...all 6 of us.  Faith that He will guide our steps, direct our paths, and make ways when it seems that there is none.  Faith that He will unite our family as we grow together.  Faith that He will be glorified in all of this.  And finally, faith that He will provide for us financially.  (Now may be a good time to mention this will cost us $35,000).  We are stepping into this with hardly a dollar saved...or raised.  But, we don't expect to sit and anticipate money to fall on our laps.  (Although I am quite sure that He could literally make that happen).  We will...and we are...working hard to have all that we need to pay these enormous fees.   And, so we will fundraiseAnd fundraise some more. 
Because they are worth it.  Because it's what we are called to do.  So, we ask of you - family, friends, neighbors, complete strangers- to help if you can.  If you feel as though you want to help us bring our babies home (we can only go a step at a time as we raise the money to meet each payment), we will be forever grateful.  What a blessing you are to even consider helping.  For having the heart and the desire to help God's children.  This Mama thanks you.  From the bottom of my heart.

We're looking forward to connecting with some incredible new friends along the way.                                Thanks for following our journey as we become '6 in Love'!


  1. This is a beautiful post- it brought tears to my eyes. Sharing love is a beautiful thing! I especially like the line about "keeping Cuban Daddy young". I love it, Georgia Peach!

  2. Thanks, Skip & Beth! Your family is a sweet inspiration to us all!

  3. Peaches, this is beautiful. Simply beautiful. (I stumbled upon it while eating lunch at Zaxby's, and I had to force myself not to cry like a nut in the middle of the restaurant.) I'm going to begin thinking of ways to involve my children's ministry in your journey. I think the kids could really benefit from being involved. I'll let you know what I come up with. Praying for your sweet family!

    1. Wow, thank you, Brittany!! You are so sweet. I'm sorry, picturing you near tears in Zaxbys was kind of funny. :) Seriously, that is so thoughtful and generous...and I appreciate it more than you will ever know!!
