Okay, friends, so you are joining us on the beginning of our journey through international adoption. (See blog entry below for our beginning story) A very expensive process (um, like $35,000 expensive). Oh, and make it siblings. Even more. (But, oh-so-worth every penny!)
We have several fundraisers to come- including T-shirts (Soon I hope!), one-of-a-kind artwork....created by 'Georgia Peach' (that'd be me), and a hoping-to-be-huge yardsale in the Spring (So if you are local to us, and have any large or useful or special items that you would like to donate, please save them for us! Any proceeds from the donated items, of course, will go to help fund our adoption.) We're also looking at some other fundraising ideas...to be announced later in the process.
** Announcing our very first adoption fundraiser: "Sippys 4 Siblings" (is 'sippys' a word? I'm thinking if I try it on 'Words With Friends,' it just might not make it. Oh well.) But it's oh-so-easy to do! (1) We're asking anyone who is interested to get a sippy cup from us. (2) Just fill it with your spare change. (3) When it gets full, send it back (we can pick it up if you're local)...OR you can send the change our way & (4) attempt to refill the sippy again! We're hoping this fundraiser can be continued throughout most of our journey. Every little bit counts! And think outside your home. Do you know of a student or classroom, a local organization, a church, a Bible study group, an office, that would like to participate? We'll send a sippy for you and one for them...just let us know! Maybe think of keeping one in your car. Isn't that where all of our change ends up anyway?!
Okay, so your mission, if you choose to accept it:
Let me know how many sippy cups you want!
Thanks, friends!
~ 6 in Love ~

Please help us bring our siblings home!