Time to finally catch up!
January 1, 2015 - Present:
A family zoo trip was a fun way to ring in the new year
Donuts with Dad
A few rare (fun!) snow days for these Southerners-
and other 'cold days.'
We even brought some snow inside to keep playing!
A great way to watch the Super Bowl!
Happy Birthday to our favorite guys!
(Cuban Daddy & K- only a few days apart)
K is 5!
We designed & painted a new bedroom for K's 5th birthday (his first one at the new house). This boy LOVES all things trucks & construction.
Valentine's Day
The kids crashed on the way TO dinner...ha!
Daddy- Daughter Dance
Our 1st Trip to Disney World!
Truly a magical experience. We're so glad Georgia Peach's parents were able to come too.
Spring has sprung! ...and we found that when it pours, a 'river' runs through our front yard. When life gives you puddles, jump in!
Spring in the South = Play Ball!
G & K played baseball & softball. K really LOVES baseball & even made the 5U Allstar team this summer.
K's 5 year old portraits -
(shot by Mommy)
...and Spring Photos for G:
...and when Mommy's the photographer,
this opportunity can't be passed up:
My heart!
Random Spring 2015 Happenings:
K breaking in the new desk in his new room:
G losing those top teeth:
Visiting our friends on a day trip out of state:
Lil Miss Fashion just being her cute self:
Lil Granny G on the 100th day of school!:
The Charmer:
So sad that G sprained her elbow doing a back handspring in gymnastics. We took a couple of weeks off, tried to get it better as soon as possible (there was a meet coming up). Her second day back in the gym, she flipped off the bars & sprained the same arm - her forearm instead of elbow this time. Geez!
Spring Gym Meet:
So proud of this girl. She was injured (see above) for the meet. I explained to her that if she went out there, she would certainly get last place (she had to remove ALL moves that would involve pressure on her arm, AND she could not compete in 1/2 of the events at all.) She went out there anyways, modifying her routine as she went. Team player and a real winner.
Mother's Day - May 2015
I am fully aware of the blessing it is to be a mom. There was a point in time where I thought I might not be. I am overwhelmed daily that He allowed me to be the mom to G & K ( & #3 & #4 one day). And, I'm so grateful for my amazing, selfless mom & the other 'moms' (Grandmas, etc.) in my life that have all had a hand in making me the mom that I am.
Starting Summer off with a Family Vacation to FL!
And *someone* turned 7 while we were there!!
G's 7th Birthday!
Pool party, new bedroom, & trip to the Cabbage Patch Hospital.
I don't think there's anything Cuban Daddy can't do! I gave him a saw for his birthday (haha). He put it to great use, building the first thing he's ever built- a loft bed for his baby girl! I designed it on paper...and he made it happen! She LOVES it.
Noni, Georgia Peach, & G made our 5th annual day trip to Babyland General Cabbage Patch Hospital. Such a fun tradition.
With her newest adopted baby, a boy.
Summer 2015 Happenings:
Fresh fruits and veggies from Grammy & Pops' garden...
I hurt my neck. Ugh.
I was in intense pain & could barely move for 2 weeks. Clearly, I was over it.
Our 11th Wedding Anniversary:
Married 11 years to the man that surpassed all of my dreams.
Father's Day
Cuban Daddy's Family Reunion
& Independence Day 2015
(14 of us at our house)
Summer Portraits
5 7
(Taken a while ago; published more recently)
I submitted a photo of G to Belk's national modeling contest...and she won! They flew she and I to Miami, FL for a few days for a stay & photo shoot. Such a fun, memorable mother-daughter adventure!

The final photo, shot on South Beach, featured in ad below:
She did a couple ads for Cigna Healthcare:
K did a few ads for Tervis Tumblers, and they pop up here and there. Fun to find!
K recently won a cover photo shoot for a magazine. He had so much fun doing it!
This was the photo used:
Random Summer Fun:
LOTS of swimming
...and sweet treats
...and friends
...and chances to try new things
...and time...just more time
...and a wee bit of learning
...and lots of 'mommy, look at this'
...and sibling bonding
...and just plain FUN!
The Moments:
Cuddles, lazy mornings,
accomplishments, giggles with friends,
family time, dates, silliness,
and late night frog-catching...
these are the moments.
Thank you for sticking around for me to finally catch up on the blog. Hopefully, with our upcoming schedule, I can maintain it a little more regularly.
G & K are enjoying their last few days of summer. They are looking forward to becoming a Kindergartner & a Second Grader!
Happy 1st days of school!
~ 6 in Love ~