Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Beginnings, Endings, & Pauses In Between


So, I don't feel quite as chipper as I usually do.  We've got a lot going on right now.  Some of it good, some of it- not so much.  Some things are beginning, some are ending, and others just seem frozen in time.

I'll begin with the thing that's currently weighing heaviest on my heart: yesterday, we lost our beloved dog, Sky, whom I wrote about before.  After lots of testing a few weeks back, he was diagnosed with a very rare tumor in his thyroid.  The Vet said it was hard to predict, but that he maybe had a few months.  Turns out, we weren't so fortunate.  Sky hadn't eaten in several days (again).  He was very weak, having a hard time getting up, lying down, getting through the doggy door.  He had no energy, tail between his legs, and didn't want to play.  His muscles were deteriorating.  Essentially, he was beginning to starve.  The light was gone from his usually-lively bright blue eyes. (He's the most beautiful dog I have ever seen.)  A typically hyper-active dog, it was really hard to see him this way.  We knew he was beginning to suffer.  What an incredibly hard decision we had to make.  But, upon waking and seeing him, Cuban Daddy & I both thought that today was the day.  This was actually unexpected.   I'm sick writing this right now.  I didn't know how I'd feel, but we spent the morning with him, trying to play a little, just petting, hugging, and talking to him.  Telling him what a good dog he was.  What a sweet boy.  He was soaking it in, it seemed.  We actually had a really sweet, special time together.  But I (not a crier), cried the whole entire time.  Probably wore Cuban Daddy out.  Although it felt kind of strange, we took lots of pictures of him & of us with him.  What a weird, awful feeling.  We had never really had to do that before, so we didn't know what to expect.  I wept as CD drove him to the Vet the last time.  I didn't realize how hard it was on him...until he got home.  What a horrible day.  Since the dogs have spent most of their time outdoors lately, the kids don't see them much.    So, we haven't told them yet.  Not really sure what we're going to do there.  Just giving it a few days until we figure that one out.  

All pictures above were taken on the final day with our friend, our first 'baby', Sky.

So... as we are grieving the loss of our buddy, Sky, we are also grieving for his sister, Roxy.  I feel soooo bad for her right now. I'm sick about it.  Last night was her first night alone.  Ever.  He's always been by her side.  I want so desperately (and quickly!!) to find her a home where someone has a dog that would like a companion.  I want her to have another dog buddy.  No one will replace Sky, I'm sure, but I think she will be much, much happier.  I can't even imagine.  I know she's a dog, but I also know that she misses him.  I hurt so much for her.

Okay, that being said, do you or someone you know, have a dog(s) and want a super sweet, loving, calm addition to your doggy family?  Please, please?  This is my desperate doggy-mama plea I don't want her to be lonely. We cannot, in our life's situation right now, take on another dog to be with her.  With as much as Cuban Daddy works, with me being so busy w/ such little ones, and doing all that we are to scrape enough money & time to get this adoption completed, with the layout of our home, etc, we just can't.  She needs a new, loving home.  And quick for her heart's sake (and mine). :(
She was rescued by us at about 8 wks old.  She's a lab mix.  Brown/brindle.  Around 90 lbs I think.  5 years old.  Used to being indoors or out, so she would be fine with either.  Great running buddy, but would be content just lying at your feet.   
Here is the sweet girl:
Brother & Sister saying a sad goodbye...

Roxy's in the red

Every time she barks, my heart breaks again.

Thank you so much, everyone, for your kind words, prayers, and thoughts for us at this time.  I can tell that many of you know what it's like to lose a dog, and how difficult it is.  You really helped me get through the day yesterday.

So, some endings.  And hopefully, for Roxy, a new beginning soon...
You may think that talking about our dogs doesn't have anything to do with adoption, but seeing as they were both 'adopted' and rescued by us, I guess it does. ;)  Yes, the main reason for this blog is to keep you all informed (& for us to document) about our adoption journey.  But, we also want to share our lives with you as we complete this process.  We want for others to see what it's like to go through an international adoption, b/c I'm thinking there may be some out there that were like us- that really don't know what to expect, what all it involves, etc.  We are learning along the way!  Along the lines of that, as we mentioned before, we also want our blog to help raise awareness about the orphan crisis going on in our world & adoption in general.  

On that lost note, in my spare time (insert hearty belly laugh), I skimmed an adoption blog of another couple (no, we don't know them) who are adopting from Honduras as well.  I came across some of their links & checked out some information regarding adoption and orphans.  Thought I'd share a bit of what I found today.  

What I found particularly interesting- and sad- was the "Adoptions by Year" tab at the top.  You might think that people are becoming more aware of the need for adoption...and that it is more 'accepted' than it might have been in the past...and that we, as a population, might be more financially able to care for orphans in this way.  Well, sadly, contrary to what I thought, the number of adoptions has gone down significantly in the past several years.  Thoughts?

Secondly, many of you may have heard of this remarkable young woman, Katie, who before the age of 20, has adopted several (13 I think) African children, and lives there, caring for the people.  Her heart, her words, her actions are amazing.  Read more about her here & be touched.  You will need tissues.  Period.

   http://kissesfromkatie.blogspot.com/  She has a book, Kisses from Katie, and in it she writes the following:

“There are 143 million orphaned children (throughout the world), 11 million children who starve or die from preventable diseases, 8.5 million that work as child slaves or prostitutes, and 2.3 million that live with HIV. This all adds up to 164.8 million needy children. At first glance that looks like a big number, but 2.1 BILLION people on this earth proclaim to be Christians.
The truth is that if only 8% of the Christians would care for one more child, there would not be any statistics left.”  
I had heard of statistics like this before.  And yes, I do think it's easier said than done, but it makes you think, right?  More endings.  And more beginnings.
**This is in NO way a guilt trip for those who are not adopting.  We certainly don't think everyone is called to adopt.  Just sharing information.  We have absolutely no judgment towards those who choose to have-or not to have- children, either biologically or adoptive.  Just wanted to put that out there in case you don't know us personally & don't know our hearts.
Time for some pauses.  
Unwanted-but-just-can't-help-it pauses.  
Like I've said before, Cuban Daddy is a busy, HARD working man!  A wonderful provider!  Diligent, determined, and great at what he does.  In real estate, you know (especially in this economy, this market) that busy is GOOD.  So, he has little time for 'extra' things.  Work has to be done.  He does a great job of balancing things.  I honestly don't know how he does it all.  Because he's an excellent husband & a very loving, FUN Daddy too!  Oh, and taxes.  Whew, barely got those suckers done! ;)  So, all that being said, there hasn't been much time...on his end especially...to get the necessary INSANE amount of adoption paperwork done.  It's been looming over our heads, always on the to-do list.  We've just been scratching at this part.  Not b/c we don't desperately want to get it done, but we just CAN'T. Not at this exact moment.  Don't get me wrong, the stack sits beside me every evening.  I go through emails and organize papers for it almost daily.  Frustratingly, it seems it's kind of paused at the moment.  But, some things are past us, so I'm ready to attack once again!  And I'm bring CD w/ me!
Due to paused App#2, we've had to *pause* our HomeStudy.  Oh, how this eats at me.  Buckner says we can't move on w/ HomeStudy until our App#2 is finalized & approved.  So, we're ready to move forward w/ HomeStudy appointments, but can't til we finish this other part up. Our HomeStudy agency doesn't know exactly why.  Our social said she hasn't heard of this, but that we should, of course, follow the rules.  I'm a rule follower, so I get that.  But, oh my gosh, it's like I hear the hands of the clock ticking.  I need to not rush & just trust in His timing, but always-trying-to-be-efficient-me is dying here.  We'll trudge on, knowing that a pause here or there is bound to occur in such a process.  
Okay, so back to the same ole:  We are still fundraising hard during this month of April!  Only 13 more days left in this month.  We see this as great possibility because 
ANY financial donations (PayPal, check, cash, Sippys 4 Siblings change, T-shirt purchases, money made from the Yard Sale...) 
made in the next 13 days will be MATCHED- DOUBLED by an anonymous donor!!!  This is huge!  We want to take full advantage, of course.  We're doing great w/ funds raised this month, but really have a LONG way to go.  Every. Single. Cent. Helps!!!
* Feel free to send in your Sippys when they get full.

* This is what we have left for T-shirts.  Please let me know if you want one/some: 
What’s left?
Purple: 1 XXL, 4 XL, 4 L, 2 Child L, 2 CM, 3 CS, 2 CXS
Green: 1 XXL, 4 XL, 4 L, 4 M, 2 S, 2 Child L, 2 CM, 3 CS, 2 CXS

* If you or some of your friends or family members have some stuff you are looking to give away or donate, we'd gladly accept anything for our Yard Sale!  Clothes (Adult, kids, baby), furniture, electronics, workout equipment, tools, toys, baby gear, decor, cookware or kitchen items, etc.  I'll happily meet up with you sometime soon to get it from you!  We've cleaned out our garage, so we have room to stock things until time!  Remember that it will be held Fri, April 27- Sat, April 28 in Echo Mill subdivision (they're having their neighborhood sale) in Powder Springs.  Also, anyone willing to help label, price, or organize items, let me know. :)  We may need help the morning of, unloading, setting up, organizing...as well as the end of the day Saturday.  Something else I thought of, if you come to help or come to shop &  have one of our T-shirts, please wear it if you think of it! :)  I'd love to see them on you!   
Ahh.  I need a massage.
 I'd ask Cuban Daddy for one, but it seems that he's fallen asleep- pure exhaustion. Ha!  No, not for the night.  That's not how we work around here.  He'll be up soon to work a few more hours. ;)

And, what would be a good post without some pics of #1 & #2?  
I don't know about you, but they ALWAYS brighten my day.  =)  
Love these two!!

~ 6 in Love ~

How does she always WIN at the arcade crane type games?
No one wins those things.  She LOVES her new friend that she told me she "adopted."

A whole lotta sass.  Yeah, we got that.

You're not mistaken.  K is on the left.  But Sissy dressed him as her twin.
Ha! (Sorry baby boy)

My little buddy proudly walking thru the store to cash in a sippy.

Got 2 of these, so G & I went on a date to see "The Lorax."
Total cost: $2.

 The one thing she asked for: popcorn!  And boy, she ate the whole thing! Okay, so I helped a little.
She talked more about this popcorn than she did the movie. Ha!

She sat on my lap the WHOLE movie...and I loved every single minute.
And...we got the whole theater to ourselves!

My girl


  1. I don't know how you do all you do... I love you baby, Dad

  2. I can hardly look at your doggie pics without tearing up myself. Nothing makes me sadder than losing pets, sad/lonely pets, etc. I'm so sorry you are all going through this, and I hope the pain lessens soon . . .

    But congrats on all your progress, and try to give yourself a break when it comes to the little pause! It's insignificant in the grand scheme of things. You're an amazing woman!

    1. It's getting a little easier, but still definitely having tough times...especially with Roxy. :(

      Thanks so much. I could use the encouragement!!
