Our Dossier is in Honduras & has been translated!
We are just waiting for IHNFA to approve our Dossier at a meeting.
Upon approval, our Dossier/our family will be given a...
Wait List Number!
(We will likely spend 2-4 years 'waiting' to be matched to our children...moving up nearly every month...we must make it to (near) #1 on the list.)
So, while we wait,
(1) I'll be busy being Mommy to G & K.
(2) We'll also work on fundraising the additional estimated $20,000 + more we will need for the adoption.
(3) And at the end of 2013/beginning of 2014, we will need to begin updating some of our documents. Blah.
Until then...we wait...and we pray...
We are just waiting for IHNFA to approve our Dossier at a meeting.
Upon approval, our Dossier/our family will be given a...
Wait List Number!
(We will likely spend 2-4 years 'waiting' to be matched to our children...moving up nearly every month...we must make it to (near) #1 on the list.)
So, while we wait,
(1) I'll be busy being Mommy to G & K.
(2) We'll also work on fundraising the additional estimated $20,000 + more we will need for the adoption.
(3) And at the end of 2013/beginning of 2014, we will need to begin updating some of our documents. Blah.
Until then...we wait...and we pray...